Doctor's Day is celebrated on October 23 of each year and was cited on this date as a kind of tribute to the inauguration of the Establishment of Medical Sciences in 1883, which is located in Mexico City. The objective of this day is focused on recognizing the arduous task or work that doctors do when saving the lives of many people.
What are the doctors?
They are individuals who are in charge of saving lives and providing hope or solutions to a large number of people, both in ills and diseases that they may contract at any time or circumstance. In a few words we could say that doctors manage to offer a better quality of life to anyone who needs support.
Main objective of October 23, the day of the doctor.
The main objective of October 23 is focused on recognizing the different aspects that characterize a doctor, among which are: The vocation of service, permanent dedication, the disposition and sensitivity of all those doctors, who have been in charge of transform and save the lives of large numbers of people.
As a last detail, the doctor's day also seeks to reward the entire community of doctors who are in charge of developing new alternatives to help others, since many of them sometimes sacrifice themselves or do not have the necessary conditions to comply their work, but despite this they try to carry it out in the best possible way.
When and why was October 23 established as Doctor's Day?
In 1937, during the course of the famous Convention of Confederate Medical Unions, it was announced that on October 23 of each year what is now known as Doctor's Day would be celebrated in Mexico, as a tribute to a well-known doctor named Valentín Gómez Farías, who was in charge of inaugurating the famous Establishment of Medical Sciences, which is located in Mexico City in the year 1833.
In addition to that, it should be noted that the celebration of Doctor's Day is only celebrated on October 23 of each year in Mexico, since in the rest of the world it is celebrated on December 3 of each year.