These days we have been attentive to the spread of the new Coronavirus virus (COVID-19) and we know as a company that this can have an impact on our society, including customers, employees, suppliers and our families. This, more than worrying, encourages us to improve in every aspect and above all to strengthen the trust you place in us when buying on our page.
From now on in each of our branches we have strengthened and taken the necessary measures to ensure the safety and integrity of all, which includes:

* Mandatory use of face masks and disinfectant solutions for all our delivery people to be used before and after each delivery.

* We reinforce the cleaning and disinfection protocols of all our work areas.

*We train all our collaborators on precautionary hygiene measures and correct hand washing.

* Constantly use antibacterial gel to strengthen everyone's safety.
Other prevention measures:
- Offer the customer gel upon entering.
- Washing and disinfecting of fruits and vegetables with chlorine or iodine.
- Lifting of the floor slab in accordance with the hygienic handling of food (do not touch cutlery, spoons and food remains with your hand).
- The dirty slab should be placed in a sink with chlorine water for disinfection before washing.
- Clean and disinfected rags with chlorine according to the standard liters of water.
- Constant cleaning with water and chlorine of door handles and surfaces, at least three times a day.
- Proper use of face masks in the preparation of food and drinks.
- In case of fever and cough, employees must go to the doctor, remove them from the area.
- Take control of chlorine in drinking water.
- Have enough chlorine for a month.
We will continue with our fantastic promotions and fabulous discounts that you can enjoy these days. And above all, we maintain our commitment to offer you a great experience when making your purchase. Either through our website or through our social networks.
We will continue to be in contact with each of you to monitor the situation and safeguard the health and well-being of our clients, collaborators and employees.
#I stay at home
We have the best arrangements only in Cómeme Arreglos Frutales👇