The franchise sector in Mexico is becoming year after year a source of employment and opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors who see the sector as the right one to grow at a business level. Within the franchise sector there are different opportunities in the Aztec country, so from we want to analyze the most recurrent and the one with the highest investment rate.
Today in Mexico there are franchises that operate in the fast food and restaurant sector. They continue to be the main business of most entrepreneurs who decide for a franchise. This sector occupies 22% of the percentage of franchises that operate in the country. It has a multitude of banners that make its hegemony something significant and with the appearance of lasting over time. After the catering and restaurant sector are food and beverage franchises with a 12% market share, a significant percentage, but far from the power of fast food. Closing the podium is the entertainment, tourism and recreation sector with a 7% market share.
These three sectors are the ones that are managing to make the franchise sector grow in Mexico, achieving significant returns with growth of 14% during the past year, so it is expected that this year the growth will be similar, the perspectives are positive and the Franchises are gaining prominence in an economy that is on the rise.