Los efectos de la pandemia en las franquicias de alimentos

Ha and natural situations that man cannot measure the effects that can cause and the crisis that can trigger. Some crises can be intuitive and the markets can move their pieces adapting their businesses to the situation, this time it was not like that, at least not for everyone.

Suppose you are a franchisee and under your responsibility you have 20 people working with you (which means 20 families that depend on someone to provide for their needs) add the costs of electricity, water, rent and production costs, etc ... everything this without forgiveness or extended payment terms, but yes, with income of average billing or even zero. Definitely dependent on time and the strategies taken by the companies to see who will resist the effects of this pandemic.

One of the key pieces to face these situations is the ability to react, it is about being open to new ideas in the ways of working and especially in the digital age.

At cómeme we took on the task of reinforcing our internet sales and updating ourselves to this digital age, improving the processes that we had already been managing.

We can really say that our sales system through our website and social networks, the good positioning of the brand and customer service was an "ace" in our favor in the face of this emerging situation.

We are happy to have renewed ourselves and to now reach more people throughout Mexico, to be a company that seeks alliances and agreements with different institutions and the constant innovation of our products.

We thank our loyal customers for the trust they have in us and we will continue working to continue creating unforgettable moments.


I have no doubt that companies are driving innovative strategies and entering the digital age will be the ones that survived in extreme circumstances.

Zaida Mendoza

Marketing Department Coordinator


Sources of origin: www.mundofranquicia.com/blog-sobre-franquicias

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